







Interventions are ideally done for a duration of 3 to 6 months on leadership, emotional intelligence and other competencies through a combination of experiential workshop and coaching sessions.
It is a consultancy service that pans over a period of time and involves the following stages:

At this stage, we collaborate with your organisation to understand specific issues and unique challenges facing your organisation.
At this stage, we conceptualize a bespoke training solution for your organisation that has custom transformation modules that address the specific challenges identified.
Once our bespoke solution is in place, we pilot the solution in a small scale.
Once the pilot takes off, we replicate the solution at a large scale in the organisation.
We will help organisations analyse the growth and benefits of the solution and keep overcoming the challenges identified in the beginning.


We connect with clients to understand their requirement and specifically create and curate content and deliver not just a workshop but an experience. The workshop methodology will be experiential learning based which includes group activities, video-based learning. The Participants will receive a participant guide for effective learning through these sessions.

Our Workshop titled ‘The Authentic Leadership’ is a powerful leadership workshop which helps in tapping into the potential of growing leaders in your organizations.


  • Offline: 1 to 2 days
  • Online: 2 to 4 hours


We provide coaching on professional excellence, personal leadership, pursuing your purpose and converting your potential to performance.


We conduct certified assessments as below,

  • EQi Assessment
  • Personality based Assessments
  • MBTI Assessment

We have in-house certified assessors who will be able to help in understanding assessment results and advise on next steps and improvement plans.