Inside-Out Transformation
We specialise in capacity building within entities to
usher organisational change from the inside-out.
Ergos Mind is an organisation specializing in transformation that focuses on individual internal change to bring about external organisational impact. Often organisations tend to focus on changing things in individuals and teams at a surface level but overlook the power of the ‘mind’!
The ‘mind’ is where most battles are fought, where decisions are made and where inspiration is birthed. Change and growth in organisations and individuals is only lasting when it come from ‘inside-out’ rather than ‘outside-in’.
A Big thank you to you for conducting an excellent session at L.E.A.D 3. All participants were very appreciative of the content you delivered. Great Job. Congrats to you.
Thanks for sparing your valuable time and enlightening us with many important aspects which will assist us to improve our personal and professional lives.
Rajiv, the workshop you conducted will transform people from the inside-out. I can see the change has begun.
Leadership Vocabulary: Character or Competence
Leadership Vocabulary: Discomfort
Leadership Vocabulary: Teachability

Have you ever asked yourself or wondered, “What on Earth Am I Here For?” “What is my purpose in life?” “Why do I exist?”
Discovering the purpose for your existence is like having a compass that directs you through life. No matter what season you are in, what circumstance you find yourself confronting or what unexpected turns come your way – your purpose will point you in the direction you must take and the choices you have to make to get there.
Your purpose is a culmination of a few things that are unique to you like your person and character, your potential and giftings, your passion and your burdens for things that are close to your heart.
Having a sense of purpose is like having a compass that directs you through life. No matter what season you are in, what circumstance you find yourself confronting or what unexpected turns come your way – your purpose will point you in the direction you must take and the choices you have to make to get there.
Those who find their purpose have a greater sense of destiny & fulfillment in life. They understand the reason they were born, the reason they get up in the morning, and they have a better sense of where they are headed at the in their lives.
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